Monday, 10 March 2014


Hello everyone, another random post for today! I changed the description as you can see... so now random things will obviously be posted!!

Running carnival is tomorrow and Thursday so wish me luck, I'm not really got at athletics but doesn't hurt to have a go, and it's never about winning it's always about fun!!

If you're wondering when a new Astronomy post will be posted, I'll be posting another either later today or tomorrow after school, so yes please do check once and awhile if you're interested!! If any of you viewers have a blog I'll be happy to follow or post the link on here <3

Pre-orders have come out for WoW, $54 for just a normal pre-order and $70+ I think for deluxe one, both contains free 90, and I recommend if you're going to pre-order, CHOOSE CLASS WISELY!!! Race doesn't really matter, but if I was you I'd pick human! >.<

Got a new transmog on my druid, a lot of people ask if I'm good with transmogs, no I'm not, I usually just buy common ones from AH, I don't bother going out and farming them only recently have I... and they kinda look weird at first because I just give up when I can't get a certain piece. Been telling everyone to stop asking me for transmog advice =/ But for those who may need it, go to Wowhead and they have transmogs on there, or just go to cities and look at randoms transmog and combine it with another (Which I have done on occasion)

Trying to think of a question of the day, can be hard... OH I forgot to mention, I am still working on my story blog if you wish to read it I will be putting the link to it on here!! Pretty sure I have my brothers story blog or just blog on here somewhere, if I don't I'll add it. Should check it out, it's really interesting and awesome!! It's a story based on Vanguard or some sort of card game... heh.

Now to the Question of the Day....!!!

Question of the Day: Free 90's will be given to everyone, so which race and class will you be picking?! Answer in comments below!!!

Thanks for reading viewers!!! <3

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